Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Setting deadlines and other authorly stuff

I've decided if I'm ever going to complete this book, A Tattered Life (still not sold on the title), I have to set a deadline for myself. A couple weeks ago I realized I had not finished writing a book for two years when I completed Dissected. I've started many projects, none of which have come to fruition.

I have approximately 26k in on this novel. I'm figuring most of my young adult books hit at about 50k, so I'm about half way there. I've set myself a deadline of June 30th. That gives me 3 months, which I think is realistic.

However, I'm also redesigning my website, which I want to launch soon, and that is taking up part of my time. I'm about half way done with that as well. I have a goal of launching it on my birthday, which is April 11th. For now, that is the plan. It may not happen that fast, so I'm not making huge announcements about it. It will be a completely different design and brand than I've been using. It's time for Megan to grow up.

Last thing, I was interviewed by Ethan Pariseau for his podcast, Xposing Me. He talks to people about experiences they feel have changed their lives. Give it a listen at here

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