Saturday, October 6, 2012

Banned Book Week Read Aloud: Twilight

Not one of my favorite banned books, but a fun one to read from I suppose. So here it is, the scene where Bella and Edward talk about the fact that Edward is indeed a vampire.  Ooooh.


  1. Was Twilight banned because it's violent? Sexual? Terrible? Lol... I haven't read them but I saw the first two movies and couldn't keep going. But I enjoyed all your 'banned book week' posts/excerpts, including this one. The only example of a banned book that I know for sure is John Green's Looking For Alaska ... maybe I'll check out that ALA website and see how many more of my faves have been deemed 'objectionable'.

  2. Apparently for religious viewpoint, violence, sexually explicitness and the suggestion that it's unsuited to age group.

    I was trying not to duplicate last years, but so many of my faves are on there. To Kill a Mockingbird, Huck Finn, Lord of the Flies, Catcher in the Rye, Fahrenheit 451. It's pretty interesting. I love to be on that list.


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